dinsdag 11 december 2012

Frost (purple) worm

I have recently finished my first bones miniature! It is a purple worm, that is not quite so purple. I was inspired by the many really, really, awesome, paintjobs done to the miniature lately.

I had two of these. I figured that I would make one a more traditional 'dungeon worm', while I used the other as a excuse to get snow flock and turn him into a frost worm!

The head is slightly out of focus. I blame my photograph skills. I got a few tips to try to get it 'in focus' better.

Working with snow flock for the first time was easy enough. What I did notice was that I had to apply several layers for it to look as white as I wanted it to look.

My findings on the bones material is that it is extremely durable and nice to work with. The main thing that I do not like is that you need to be extremely precise in removing your mold lines with a really, really, sharp knife. This took me a few tries to get right and I can only imagine that a smaller miniature makes the process a lot harder.

After a good primer the miniature held wash very well, something I needed because most of this paintjob is a judicious application of blue washes.

Overall I cannot wait for my Reaper kickstarter to arrive next march. Bones are awesome, cheap and here to stay.

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